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Nickel City’s Basement Punks.

Our story is as simple as it can be, 4 friends hanging out in what we dubbed "The Riff Factory", when inspiration from the likes of PUP, Drug Church, and The Dirty Nil, pushed our band to form in 2019. 

Fast forward a few months and a couple of shows later, it's 2021 and we just released our first EP, Sunny Days Inside. Recorded at the one and only Deadpan Studios, this EP is just a taste of what we aim to achieve with this project.

Once released, we instantly headed back into the studio to keep ourselves busy with new releases and whatever else came our way. 

Our new EP and message is about growth, patience, and ultimately blooming. After months of patiently waiting to share these songs, we are excited to release “Depth Perception” in spring 2024. 

From playing live at Sudbury's well-known Townehouse Tavern, or sharing brand-new music, we simply just want to inspire the community with music we are passionate about, hopefully resonating with anyone who graciously gives us a listen.

Jame Quenville, Joel Genier, Tony Ieropoli, and Dylan Baron.


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